A downloadable project

An HaxeFlixel wrapper for Itch.io's OAuth API

Note 1: This is a BETA, you may not use it yet for commercial purposes, but if you credit me you are completely free to use this, even on paid games.

Note 2: This isn't affiiliated with Itch.io


flixelItch.zip 2 kB

Install instructions

Open this file and put it into your project source. When you need to authenticate call FlxItch's login function (takes as params your OAuth app ID as a String). It will return a PendingRequest. When you are done getting the user's token, simply call on the PendingRequest instance the closeRequest function and use as parameter the token. Then you can just call the FlxItch request + the thing you want (profile:me, profile:games ecc.)

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